Weekly Report - 2018-03-02 - Standing on the Precipice of Migration
Spring migration is *almost* here for songbirds! Over the next few weeks, songbirds will begin to sing more frequently and even act more...

Event Report - Nature Exploration 2018, Grades 3-5
Our Nature Exploration event for grades 3-5 was another smashing success!! An unseasonably warm afternoon provided a super active event...

Weekly Report - 2018-02-16 - Feels Like Spring!
An unseasonably warm morning paired with an after school Trailblazers event made for a super birdy week here at BSES! We tallied a...

Weekly Report - 2018-02-02 - Quiet Week!
The weather was gloomy and overcast throughout most mornings this week - Should've taken it as an omen for future birding! Of all our...

Event Report - Birds of Prey Night
The first-ever Trailblazers Birds of Prey Night was our largest event yet! With over 125 people in attendance, the gym at Bethel Springs...

Weekly Report - 2018-01-26 - Sparrows & Crows
This past week was an active week in birding at BSES! We had many exciting birds in the gym on Thursday, but we also had quite a few on...

Weekly Report - 2018-01-19 - Winter Birding Heats Up!
For a morning with temperatures in the low 20s , the birding action was hot! Lots of birds singing springtime songs and even a few...

Event Report - 5th Annual Christmas Bird Count
The 5th Annual Trailblazers Christmas Bird Count proved to be another exciting year of birding and citizen science!!! We had a grand...

Weekly Report - 2017-01-12 - First Report of 2018!
We are back in 2018 with our first weekly report of the season! Due to last week's wintry weather, I wasn't able to get out on the nature...

Event Report - Animal Tracks, Grades 1 & 2
Our first event of 2018 was a great success! Nine hearty first and second grade students braved the winter afternoon as we scoured the...