Trailblazers BSES Birding Club, Fall 2024
A recap of the fall session of Trailblazers BSES Birding Club!

Weekly Report - 2017-11-10 - Lots of Noteworthy Birds!
It was a very busy week on the trail!!!! Between the nature trail cleanup, my weekly walk, and the Trailblazers Nature Exploration, there...

Weekly Report - 2017-06-09 - The Final Weekly Report of the 2016-2017 School Year
My final weekly Friday walk of the school year produced 21 species! I would say that all 21 species on the list are expected this time of...

Weekly Report - 2017-03-17 - Cardinal Moon
Spring migration is underway despite the rock-solid snow coverage of the trail! I was unable to make it out on the trail last Friday so...

Weekly Report - 2017-01-20
This morning’s walk tallied fourteen species of birds! Birds were very active today with lots of Canada Geese coming in to land on our...