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Weekly Report - 2017-01-20

This morning’s walk tallied fourteen species of birds! Birds were very active today with lots of Canada Geese coming in to land on our ball fields. As the day goes on, I’m willing to bet more geese will arrive, too! We have had counts of approximately 100 Canada Geese throughout the week on nearly a daily basis feeding on the ball fields. Songbirds were also active this morning! White-throated Sparrows were singing their springtime song, and Carolina Chickadees and Tufted Titmouse peppered the treetops across from the meadow. I even had some come in close because of my Tufted Titmouse impression! They were feeding and chipping with lots of movement so my counts this morning are conservative as their very well could have been more. At the beginning of the walk, I had a non-bird highlight: Red Fox!

Carolina Chickadee, BSES Nature Trail - 2017-01-20
Tufted Titmouse, BSES Nature Trail - 2017-01-20
Red Fox, BSES Nature Trail - 2017-01-20

No other species of note that I can think of this week. Even though it was nice to get out today, the undisputed birding highlight of my week was our Owl Celebration last night! Thank you so much to the Nature Trail Committee, Mr. Piasecki, and Mrs. Allen for all their help in organizing this, and thank you to everyone for coming out for a special night!

Bethel Springs E.S.--Nature Trail

Jan 20, 2017

7:35 AM


0.25 miles

21 Minutes

All birds reported? Yes

Comments: Cool morning with lots of little songbird activity. Temperatures in the 40s. Oddly enough, Heard WTSP singing spring time song. Also, observed one Red Fox!

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.4.2 Build 114

23 Canada Goose

3 Ring-billed Gull

3 Blue Jay

1 American Crow

10 Carolina Chickadee

12 Tufted Titmouse

1 White-breasted Nuthatch

2 Eastern Bluebird

2 American Robin

1 European Starling

1 Dark-eyed Junco

2 White-throated Sparrow

1 Song Sparrow

5 Northern Cardinal


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