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Event Report: Fall Migration Bird Walk

Our very first event for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students this school year proved to be our largest after school event to date! Twenty-six students ventured out onto the nature trail in search of exciting birds on the Fall Migration Bird Walk! We were able to scare up great views of our local resident birds, but we were even able to see a few migrants as they head south to their wintering grounds.

After a brief review of what to expect for the day, we went out onto a cloudy and cool trail, freshly moistened by an earlier rainfall. Immediately, a first-year Red-tailed Hawk took off over the meadow for all to see! Then, as we ventured down the trail, we bumped into a flurry of activity: Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Eastern Towhees, Song Sparrows, Gray Catbirds, and Carolina Chickadees were present right before the basswood tree and down the trail toward Spring Meadow Lane.

After rounding the outdoor classroom and finding a variety of exciting leaf samples, we made our way back to BSES. As we paused before the trailhead, Jimi and Jack, two veteran Trailblazers, gave their best Tufted Titmouse whistle impressions. We were then greeted by another burst of activity which offered up great views of (in my opinion) the most exciting migrants of the day, Yellow-rumped Warblers! Check out the video as the action began to pick up:

All told, we ended the day with an impressive 17 species! Thanks to all who came out, and thanks to Ms. Taggart for joining us!

Bethel Springs E.S.--Nature Trail Oct 12, 2017 3:25 PM Traveling 0.60 miles 58 Minutes All birds reported? Yes Comments: Check was taken from Trailblazers Fall Migration Bird Walk. Our largest afterschool activity yet, we were treated to 17 species including an up close view of a RTHA. Conditions were cloudy and moist after a recent rainfall with temperatures in the low 60s. Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 1.5.4 Build 149 5 Canada Goose 2 Turkey Vulture 1 Red-tailed Hawk 4 Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 Northern Flicker 6 Blue Jay 2 American Crow 1 Tree Swallow 1 Carolina Chickadee 12 American Robin 2 Gray Catbird 2 European Starling 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler 1 White-throated Sparrow 2 Song Sparrow 1 Eastern Towhee 7 Northern Cardinal


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