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Event Report - Nature Trail Cleanup

This year's nature trail cleanup was a smashing success!!!

We spent our day with a variety of tasks including picking up trash, relining the trails with logs, and clearing the path of leaves and debris. We made sure to keep the leaves and sticks we cleared off the trail in the woods so these items can naturally decompose as they usually would.

Also, students in my 4th grade class created informational signs replace the ones that used to hang on the nature trail! Students researched all about the plant they chose to write about with the Trees USA App along with books from our classroom nature library. The final results exceeded expectations! Students did a spectacular job and now countless students and families will enjoy their signs as they stroll the trail. Special thank you to Mrs. Bell, Mr. & Mrs. Sinor, Mr. Weaver, and everyone else who helped get the signs posted up!

We not only had a great turnout from BSES families, but we also had some help from the community! On Saturday, Girl Scout Daisy Troop 565 did great work helping beautify our butterfly garden! On Sunday, Cub Scout Pack 260 helped construct and install a footbridge over the infamous wet area on the trail.

Thank you to the Nature Trail Committee for helping organize another awesome cleanup day! Thank you to both Daisy Troop 565 and Pack 260 for your help as well. Thank you to all of the parents who were instrumental in organizing their groups and projects for the day. Finally, thank you to Mr. Piasecki & Mrs. Allen for your providing our school with the nature trail!


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